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Companies we Share 

A growing list of Company we work showcase to help expand their reach, as we believe the work they are doing is helpful and in alignment. 

Click the Name to Jump to their Location

Proctor Gallagher Institute 

Chek Academy 

Geometric Models


Proctor Gallagher Institute 

Mentoring and Business Guidance

Tell them what you want and they will help you get it. 

Chek Academy

Personal Training and Health Professionals

Teaching the way of teaching and healing the ones in pain along the way. 

Geometric Models

Sacred Geometry Model Makers

Holding, adding and multiplying to the ancient thoughts of Plato, "Geometry will draw the soul towards truth and create the spirit of philosophy".  


Shipment of Things

They move things very well. From books, to crafts, toys, and more. With such a large industry, things can always be done better; but for now they are one of the best ways to move a product into a customers hands, eyes, and ears.

Future Name


Holding space for the next amazing company to be added to the space.

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